February News

Hello Everyone –

New Year and we have our Annual AGM. ALL ARE WELCOME….not just Members:

Tuesday 12th March 7.45pm at the New Apton Centre BS.

Local Walker and Author, Phoebe Taplin will provide a super insight into the area around our base town and the greater beyond. Do come along – no charge!

Thank you so much for your kind responses to my last article in respect of the Aubrey Buxton south-side field path, and for  the need to improve the footpath/s, from the River Stort to Stansted Brook  at the Trout Bridge/B1383 together with lack of public footway along Gypsy Lane. Please keep them coming.

BSDFA continues to represent walkers and cyclists in respect of existing PROWs and improving our many local PROWs particularly for the health and safety of users as housing developments and the resulting increase in motor vehicles become more prevalent – Stortford North, Stortford South and the peripheral developments.

Talk to us about the issues.

Recently we have come across builders tips at Elms Farm Stansted, and the destruction of protected verges in Stansted.  PROWs are what the words say…… Rights of passage over which the public may freely pass. Tell us where there are problems.


Photograph – Courtesy of Prince

Daphne Wallace-Jarvis, Publicity Officer:      dwjjwj.444@gmail.com

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