Hello All
Well, the weather –
The very strong winds and the heavy rainfall in February meant a high danger from falling and fallen trees, and wisely caused the Club to cancel the first planned walk, whilst the second walk, a cross-country/field and copse walk, was at the start of the walk changed to a road and track walk. and the group of 10 people who turned out to take this later walk returned wet but otherwise no outward damage!
Both these walks will be ‘Banked’ and will be walked at another time.
So, there are four very different walks planned for April and May each commencing from a variety of stating places – see above.
The proposed new Garden Town to the north of Harlow but which includes massive areas of southern-East Herts includes the wartime airfield at Hunsden. There are a huge number of footpaths in and around Gilston and these together with the wide areas of open views afforded will be lost if the area is covered in housing.
The consultation, sadly, closed in mid March so by the date of my article it will be too late for comments, however, please be aware – thank you.
If you have any queries about any aspect of the consultation please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01279 655261 or planningpolicy@eastherts.gov.uk..
All regards
Daphne Wallace-Jarvis, Publicity Officer: dwjjwj.444@gmail.com
The photograph is by courtesy of Peter Sherlock and shows wood anemones in Birchanger Wood
where the Public Right of Way (footpath) runs east/west through this lovely accessible ancient woodland.