Hello All
Summer break time. p.s. first – my Stansted swallows are now sitting on their second batch of eggs – their first fledglings are whizzing around far and wide, coming back in the evening to roost.
Footpaths –
Stansted – Kingswood Drive to Crafton Green Car Park.
We have a new twitchel! The long awaited link between Cambridge Road and Chapel Hill is now open and nicely surfaced.
FP54 Church Road to St Mary’s Church.
Change is in the air! New fencing has been erected on the edge of the large field to the east of Elms Farm allotment is clearly identified – a timber fence with wire netting is sunk into the ground to exclude the rabbits. Where the proposed Permissive Path and field meets the boundary with Stansted Hall the fencing now defines the new additional path which will hopefully, link with FP54 from The Gatehouse cottage to Stansted Hall.
Stortford – Interface of footway and bridleway at Rugby club/WHD with Hadham Road – Bridleway 008
Our Chairman paid a visit to Wickham Hall Drive (WHD) and confirms that the new signage promised by HertsCC is now in position on Wickham Hall Drive. The signage is good quality and parking along its length and parking has been prohibited.
Reference Number – DPI/Z1585/17/12 – Network Rail Public Inquiry – (Essex and others Level Crossing Reduction) Order 201X,Inquiry
Resumption of the Network Rail Public Inquiry – (Essex and others Level Crossing Reduction) Order 201X, will now be on Tuesday, 25th September 2018 at the Civic Centre, Chelmsford – further information can be found at the Inquiry website, available at http://essex-level-crossings.persona-pi.com/.
FP64 Stortford North
Improvement to the footpath access from Hazelend Road to Hazelend Wood and the Three Horseshoes is needed from the new estate as this would otherwise necessitate walking along the busy road where the verge is overgrown and offers no footpath.