Hertfordshire County Council’s (HCC) development control committee has recently approved a planning application for the development of a waste transfer station for used vehicle oils on the northern edge of Bishop’s Stortford. The site is within the Green Belt and is sited at the former Butler Fuels Distribution depot on Farnham Road at the junction with Bishop’s Stortford Bridleway 005.

The site will be used by Oil Salvage Ltd (OSL) to receive, store and transfer waste oil. The waste oil will be collected by tankers and taken to the Farnham Road site for storage before being transferred to OSL’s recycling site on Merseyside. It was reported that the number of vehicle movements accessing the site would be limited to sixteen per day (eight in and eight out). The site would operate between 6am to 10pm Mondays to Fridays with access not permitted between 8am and 9am and 3pm and 4pm to avoid any conflict with the nearby Avanti Meadows Primary School.

The site is situated on a key junction where cyclists and pedestrians connect to the Farnham Road and one that will see a significant increase in leisure traffic in the future when a new ‘green way’ through the Bishop’s Stortford North development is created. This will link Rye Street to Bishop’s Stortford Bridleway 005 and ultimately to the town centre if the Town Council’s northern cycle path route (linking Rye Street to Grange Paddocks) is constructed.

HCC Highways has made several recommendations to make this site safe for pedestrians and cyclists including junction improvements, new signage and the cutting back of vegetation. We will be in contact with them to ensure that these recommendations are followed through and that the bridleway remains open throughout any development window.

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