I posted back in April that EHDC was finally committed to creating a LCWIP and that the BSDFA was keen to contribute to this important project. I also highlighted the importance of having an LCWIP in place so as to attract central government funding for major walking / cycling infrastructure projects and why a failure to have one in place has contributed to our local area missing out on new walking and cycle infrastructure over recent years.

I’m pleased to report that the project is progressing and the BSDFA has been invited to attend and provide input into the first round of consultation on the LCWIP at an online workshop this coming Friday afternoon (7 July). EHDC has provided the following information about the workshop.

“EHDC in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC), and its consultants (WSP) are working on developing a bespoke LCWIP for the district over coming months. As part of this, officers from HCC, EHDC and WSP will be leading this workshop, which is aimed at seeking views on cycling and walking provision at the local level. Input at the workshop will assist in providing a greater understanding of these local circumstances and aid potential scheme development to help shape future cycling and walking opportunities in the district going forward.

LCWIPs form a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at the local level. They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks, which the Government suggests should ideally be over a 10-year period.

LCWIPs are being developed for each of the Hertfordshire districts/boroughs, with HCC working collaboratively with each authority to produce a document covering the relevant area which also considers cross boundary links, both within and outside the County. These documents not only form part of the Government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle, they also allow greater access to possible funding steams, such as the Active Travel Fund.

The LCWIP is a high-level document clearly linking to other strategic transport planning documents, such as Local Transport Plans. Its key outputs are:

– a network plan for walking and cycling which identifies preferred routes and core zones for further development

– a prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment; and,

– a report which sets out the underlying analysis carried out and provides a narrative which supports the identified improvements and network.”

If anyone has any input that you would like us to take into the workshop then please let us know.

We will provide a further update after the workshop.

Dave Webber – BSDFA

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