Grove Residents Action Group (residents of Hadham Grove and Grove Park in Bishop’s Stortford) are gathering signatures to present to all members of the EHDC Development Management Committee (DMC) prior to the BSNC/ASR planning application meeting scheduled for 14 Nov 2013.
The aim of the petition is to highlight concern that the current proposal for a roundabout opposite Hadham Grove has the potential to create traffic chaos across the western arterial road network in Bishops Stortford. It will affect ALL Hadham Road users causing a lot of unnecessary delay and frustration at peak times and making it even more difficult to cross the Hadham Road west of Silver Leys than it is currently. The proposal to place a pedestrian crossing between Hadham Grove and the A120 (Tesco) roundabout is viewed by some as an accident waiting to happen.
If you would like to support these residents paper copies of the petition can be downloaded from the Grove Residents Action Group website, These paper copies will need to be submitted to EHDC Planning Department by 31 Oct 2013.
CouldĀ all local PRoW users to email members of the DMC with their views; list of DMC committee members can be found at:
Hello, I’m new to the area (Hadham Grove). I see this is a relatively old post. Are there still issues to Grove Residents?
I’d be keen to hear from you.