Herts County Council has issued an order for the diversion of Little Hadham Foopath 43. Any objections to the order must be submitted in writing to HCC before 6 July 2022 – full details can be found in the attachments to this post.
The BSDFA was consulted about this diversion a couple of years ago and submitted the following comments:
“The diversion makes sense and I can confirm that subject to the following caveats the BSDFA would not object to it. The diverted footpath should meet the minimum width requirement (1.5 metres for a field edge path) and that appropriate protection is put in place to ensure that it remains undisturbed from cultivation / ploughing. The surface of the new section of path is suitable for year round walking.”
The order ticks all the boxes and so we propose to advise Herts CC that we have no objection.