Latest News from the Hundred Parishes

We recently completed a first phase of distributing leaflets explaining the scope and rationale behind the Hundred Parishes initiative. They are now on display in the majority of libraries, museums, churches, pubs, tea rooms and visitor attractions throughout the Hundred Parishes – more than 260 locations altogether. We were delighted with the positive reaction from those we asked to display them. We haven’t tried everywhere, so if you can recommend somewhere else where they may be seen by potential members please let me know.

The Society’s principal aim is educational – in particular to spread the word about the area’s rich heritage. Our charitable objects do not allow us to promote tourism, but we recognise that if we are successful in raising the profile of the Hundred Parishes then it may indirectly bring extra visitors to some of the places that now display the leaflets. By visitors, we don’t just mean people from outside the area but also residents getting to know the area better.

When distributing leaflets we were pleasantly surprised to find that the number of tea rooms has been increasing, with over 20 now scattered around the area. Within the introductions to individual parishes on our website,, we try to keep the list of pubs, tea rooms, etc updated so that visitors know what to expect, whether they are exploring by car, bike, horse or on foot. With pubs regularly closing and re-opening, if you notice a recent change of circumstances, or spot that any of our information needs updating, please let us know either by email or by using the website’s Feedback form.

Don’t forget that there is a good selection of interesting walks on our website – anything from 2.5 miles to 17 miles. The longer routes are probably too challenging at this time of the year with its limited daylight and relatively heavy going under foot, but the shorter ones should be fine if you are appropriately dressed. All routes currently on the website start and finish at railway stations. Over time we will add more routes in other parts of the Hundred Parishes, but we hope the current 20 will satisfy most people for a while.

We encourage you to check out the website’s What’s On page from time to time – and do please let us know if we have missed an event that may be relevant to anyone who enjoys the area’s countryside, heritage and culture.

About every other month, we submit a short article to the editors of more than 50 parish magazines. If it’s not appearing in your local magazine, please let me know contact details.

The Society’s membership continues to grow. If you or your organisation or parish have not yet joined, please consider doing so. For just £10 a year you will ensure that our website continues to expand and you will have a say in the Society’s future development. Online application is available from the Membership section of the website, and there is also an application form in our leaflet.

Finally, please draw the Hundred Parishes Society to the attention of your friends and acquaintances.

Ken McDonald
Secretary to The Hundred Parishes Society

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