Hello All
Well what can I say regarding the weather ….the ground underfoot should have been frozen and solid, but NO, it has been both sloshy and slippery….such is life!
I am hoping that my walk in February will conform to statistics, however everything appears to be in the big ‘melting bag’.
So, we have loads of birds and flowers – even a bumblebee today (31.01.2020), thinking that Spring is here.
Our footpaths are definitely interesting, even some of our local ‘diddy’ roads are flooded, and off-road, the paths are definitely slippery, however, with correct boots and a good stick….forget that it makes you look old…a stick really helps you keep balance! It also increases your walking strength! YES.
So, we have a really good programme – Keep on coming. My good friend and neighbour, Lorna (and tiny terrier) have been coming along with me on my last few walks to suss’ out the most varied paths underfoot, good views, and best routes and we think that my latest walk in February, will be an interesting one….ignoring .weather conditions. Walk leaders do have to carry out a lot of exploratory walks to find a walk that suits – and we need more people to help out in this respect – as for myself, as a female on my own, – it is pretty daunting, but at the conclusion, is so very satisfying, so I ask you – would you like to come with me and so far, my unsung hero Lorna, and sort out a walk….we do it during weekdays?
I don’t possess a camera or i-phone….so I am reliant on yourselves – Please send me some photographs.
I call this one…”Let’s get onto a Footpath”…. This is in Stansted – anyone recognise it?
Very Best regards
Daphne Wallace-Jarvis, Publicity Officer: dwjjwj.444@gmail.com