Back in May we reported that a footbridge in the Southern Country Park (SCP), Thorley, had been closed to the public due to structural problems. The footbridge take a bridleway over the Spel Brook, close to the old pond at the southern edge of the SCP. Fortunately, there is a short diversion available for walkers.

It’s now six months since the closure and a new ‘notice’ has recently appeared at the site advising that the ‘Closure Order for the bridge replacement has been extended by a further 18 months, taking us into 2025. I’ve contacted our local Access Project Officer, Herts CC, Countryside and Rights of Way team, who has advised that “it is certainly not our intention to take this long to replace the existing decayed bridge on this path. There are a number of complications about the site, including the tree growing under it and the need to obtain permission from the Environment Agency before we carry out any works. We asked the Secretary of State for permission to make this length of extension to the closure to save continually having to ask again, but the work should hopefully be finished long before then.”

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated of developments.

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