Latest News [ Page 20 ]

Brian Rochester ( 1936 -2016)

The Sawbridgeworth Local History Society has recently published a tribute to Brian Rochester who died in 2016 and was a former chair and committee member of the BSDFA. Brian was born and breed in Sawbridgeworth and spent many hours maintaining the local rights of way network in and around the town. The article can be… Continue reading

September News

Hello Walkers and Others – Residents – This is Important Information for our future. BISHOP’s FIELDS…..A HUGE DEVELOPMENT…….Infrastructure and Biodiversity Management Plan….(GI&BMP) see our website!! This provides easy reading ….. REMEMBER – THIS LAND IS OUR OPEN SPACE……IT IS A HUGE SITE………. Please read these short notes and give your comments to East Herts… Continue reading

Bishop’s Fields – Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Management Plan (GI&BMP)

We were recently made aware that a GI&BMP had been drafted for the new Stortford Fields development to the north west of Bishop’s Stortford. Its purpose is to set out shared (Council/developer) expectations regarding the stewardship of the green infrastructure at the 2,200 new home development. The s.106 agreement (see note below) between East Herts… Continue reading

The Hundred Parishes: An Introduction

The Hundred Parishes Society has recently issued its first publication – “The Hundred Parishes: An Introduction” This introduces the reader to the rich history of each parish and paints a picture of life up to the start of the 21st century. It is a quality hardback book, printed by Lavenham Press, A4 landscape with over… Continue reading

August News

Hello All Summer break time. p.s. first – my Stansted swallows are now sitting on their second batch of eggs – their first fledglings are whizzing around far and wide, coming back in the evening to roost. Footpaths – Stansted – Kingswood Drive to Crafton Green Car Park. We have a new twitchel! The long… Continue reading

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We're always looking for new members and would love to have you onboard, helping us with our worthy cause.

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