Latest News [ Page 30 ]

Latest walk programme

Go to walks tab for the lastest walk programme  November 2015- March 2016… Continue reading

150 years of the Open Spaces Society

2015 marks 150 years of the Open Spaces Society – Britain’s oldest national conservation body – and they invite you to help them celebrate this special year.   Follow this link… Continue reading

Neighbourhood Development Plan‏

Neighbourhood Development Plan The Localism Act introduced statutory neighbourhood planning in England. It enables communities to draw up a neighbourhood plan for their area and is intended to give communities more of a say in the development of their local area by setting out how they would like housing and design, green infrastructure, transport, education,… Continue reading


The BSDFA Facebook page has now been up and running for a few months. Please click on the ‘follow us on Facebook’ link at the top of the page for the latest information and more photographs taken on the regular walks in the area. We are trying to reach our first 50 ‘likes’ so please… Continue reading


OK Quiz time…what does the BSDFA stand for? Answer: Bishop’s Stortford and District Footpaths Association. The BSDFA!!! The words to remember are – ‘AND DISTRICT’…. This local organisation embodies a wide local area. This local voluntary organisation has its roots dating back to 1957 – It is a multi-aged group who enjoy walking the very… Continue reading

Join Us. Walk With Us

Complete our membership form If you would like to help us to preserve, protect and maintain the public Rights of Way network and rural verges in the Herts and Essex.

We're always looking for new members and would love to have you onboard, helping us with our worthy cause.

Membership Form