Latest News [ Page 32 ]

Press release – BSDFA and SOS‏

Submission to Herts and Essex Observer 21 November BSDFA and SOS – spotlight on the ASR’s Public footpath FP02 (Dane O’Coys to Farnham) in the north-west of Bishop’s Stortford was the location chosen for Bishop’s Stortford & District Footpaths Association (BSDFA) to present a cheque to the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation (BSCF) Save/Shape Our Stortford… Continue reading

Grove Residents Action Group (GRAG)

Grove Residents Action Group (residents of Hadham Grove and Grove Park in Bishop’s Stortford) are gathering signatures to present to all members of the EHDC Development Management Committee (DMC) prior to the BSNC/ASR planning application meeting scheduled for 14 Nov 2013. The aim of the petition is to highlight concern that the current proposal for… Continue reading

Membership fees

As discussed at the AGM there will be an increase in membership fees per household. The new fee will be £4 per year or £10 for three years. This will take effect from 1st January 2014. The membership will run from January to December. This is to cover the postal increases, printing the paper version… Continue reading

Hormead FP34

Our Footpath Secretary (Hertfordshire) visited this path and would like to make the following comments: Bishop’s Stortford & District Footpaths Association (BSDFPA) support the proposal to record the proposed footpath Hormead FP34 on the Definotive Map and Statement and further support HCC’s proposal to address the Inspector’s comment regarding clarity of the location of the… Continue reading

Wareside FP16

After a few Emails back and forth to the RoW officers at Hertfordshire County Council with no results, Paul our Footpath Secretary from the Footpath Association has cleared a 200m – 300m section of this path. Please see red markers on map below. //declare marker variables var pos, size, offset, infoWindowAnchor, icon, content, popUpSize; function… Continue reading

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We're always looking for new members and would love to have you onboard, helping us with our worthy cause.

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