Latest News [ Page 33 ]

Footpath 17,Widford

Confirmation order from Ian England,Definitive Map Officer,Rights of Way Service.Hertfordshire County Council. Click the link below for the Order and map.!/mail/ViewOfficePreview.aspx?messageid=b817639d-d9a8-11e2-ae85-e83935c211aa&folderid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&attindex=1&cp=-1&attdepth=1&n=514759203 The link below is from the Herts and Essex Observer.… Continue reading

Latest on Bishop’s Stortford North

A second planning application has been submitted by Bishop’s Stortford North Consortium. It includes full details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access of the residential element and Park & Ride of Phase 1 (Western Neighbourhood) of the proposed development of the ASRs. Click on the following link to see the latest information: EHDC Bishop’s… Continue reading

Newsletter – Spring 2013

The newsletter for Spring 2013 is now on the NEWS tab.… Continue reading

Bishop’s Stortford North Consortium Planning Application

To view details of the planning application for the development, please click on the following link: BSNC If you wish to comment on the proposals, you must submit them by 31st March 2013, quoting LPA reference 3/13/0075/OP – although it is still possible to submit comments after this date.   Click HERE for the letter… Continue reading

Application for rights of way over Hunsdon airfield and adjoining land, Hertfordshire

The Inspector decided not to confirm the order for rights of way over the above land, after the public inquiry held at Hunsdon village hall in October.  The Inspector’s Decision report can be found at the Planning Inspectorate’s website at: Please note that the only means of challenging this decision is by judicial review.… Continue reading

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